
Software Implementation

Implementing software is about aligning it with your company’s operations. Every organization has a system, whether managed by key personnel, simple processes, or even a single individual.

We believe every company has a system. If a business process is working that means it is useful. However we can still assist you making it optimized for various reasons

Recognizing Existing Systems

We understand that if a business process is working, it’s already useful. However, we can help optimize it for several reasons:

1. Reducing Dependency on Key Employees

Have you ever experienced a complete halt in operations because a key employee went on vacation or got sick? We can help mitigate this risk by optimizing your processes, making them less dependent on specific individuals – even if that individual is you, the business owner.

2. Formalizing Company Processes

Implementing our software helps formalize your company’s processes, transforming your business into a more structured and efficient institution.

3. Enhancing Analytics and Decision-Making

Extracting valuable insights from separate Excel files or various data sources is challenging. With an integrated system like Trackon, you can access all your data in one place, facilitating timely and informed business decisions.

4. Improving Authorization and Information Security

Trackon provides robust authorization and information security, including data leak protection. Unlike spreadsheets that everyone can access, our system allows you to assign roles and permissions, ensuring secure and controlled access to different parts of the process.

  • Client: Agropex International DMCC
  • Year: 2021Category:
  • Poultry & Meat TradingProject:
  • Trackon Implementation