
Software Development

is our passion

We follow-up the latest technologies and trends and always push out our boundaries and our limits. That is how we can develop a software always on the edge, always on the technology frontier.

Trackon Trackon

3 Billion $

Annual turnover of trading which is done with our software


Years of design work experience


locations worldwide

What we stand for?


To enable commodities trading businesses to realize their full potential.


To be a successful global software house trusted by its customers for service excellence, caring for its employees and collaborating with our customers to deliver innovative and value driven software products.

Our Difference

We believe our difference lies in our “pursue of excellence“. This is our edge and core value.

Would you like to join our

Trackon Software team?


Challenging projects

Proactively improving system based expertise and career growth strategies.


Flexible work location

We are a global team and we work from various locations on the globe.


High impact Apps

We develop applications which shape the commodities trading business.


Work on the Cloud

Seamlessly empower fully researched growth strategies and interoperable internal or "organic" sources.


Awesome Clients

Be privileged to work with our awesome clients who are the leaders of trading business.


Award winning team

Energistically scale future-proof core competencies vis-a-vis impactful experiences.


Great people

Be part of our great team work with great people who have years of experience and know-how.


Creative environment

We believe software development is an art and it requires artistic abilities. That's why we always promote and encourage creative work environment.